Ash used to be a sailor, sailing the seven seas in search of Godzilla. Now she works for a mouse, making cartoons for TV.

Why doesn’t the comic update often?Sadly, there is no money in making comics, and eating is a necessity to live. A mouse pays me money to draw cartoons that buys me sandwiches. Drawing the cartoons becomes a priority and the comic gets sidelined. The thing about passion projects, though, is that I will always come back to it (unless I die, which...I cannot help).
What do you use to draw your comics?Clip Studio Paint EX and a Wacom Cintiq Companion. I am a huge fan of
Frenden’s brushes.
Do you have advice for developing artists?Yes, right here.Where did you get the inspiration for Kilo Monster?My love of beastly reptiles? I was influenced by movies like Jurassic Park, Dragonheart, and Godzilla as kid. I sympathized a lot with the creatures, and the beta versions of Kilo Monster were a reflection of that. Toss in a bit of love for professional wrestling, a dash of superheroes like the Hulk and Venom, and a hint of Beauty and the Beast tales, and you something kinda resembling Kilo Monster in the end.
Oh wait! Add a hat and suspenders too for good measure..
Do you do commissions?Not currently. Work is restricted to serious freelancing and full-time studio work.
What do donations go toward?Web hosting, domain fees, livestreaming channel, and properly compensating other artists to help with the comic.
Is Jaymi supposed to look like a guy?Jaymi is supposed to look like Jaymi.
Are Kilo and Todd a thing?Kilo and Todd are many things.